Friday, April 13, 2018

It's April. How's that New Year Resolution Coming Along?

For those who are following along, my 2018 New Year's Resolution is to make my reading more visible.  I have to say, in doing so, I think I am actually reading more.  That was not the intention, but I guess it is a happy accident.

Here is a look at my library bulletin board now.  Actually this was almost a week ago, and I already need to update.

 I finished Deep Dark Blue by Polo Tate a couple of days ago (book 15),

and now I am reading On Texas Backroads (book 16) by Carlton Stowers.

I am enjoying Carlton Stower's collection of Texas short stories more than I did Polo Tate' memoir of her time at the US Air Force Academy.  There wasn't much I could relate to in Deep Dark Blue.  My dad was in the army, but I would not call us a military family.  In addition, Polo went through a lot of heartbreak and violence I honestly found depressing.  Again, not really applicable to my college life... thank goodness.

On the other hand, Stower's stories of his adventures in Texas are interesting and places I know and have visited.  So it is probably safe to assume I will be finished with book 16 this weekend, and will need to revisit my stack to select book 17.

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