Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Love, Mustaches, and Hippies!

So, let's talk Valentine's Day, Junior Research, and National Mustache Day. That has been our life since TCEA.

For Valentine's Day we put out construction paper hearts for the students to decorate so we can hang them up in our windows.  They love doing this.  The students write messages to their girl/boyfriends, create poems, or draw pictures.

In addition to that, we also have an interactive display.  We put famous book couples in each of our big heart cut outs.  Then the staff and students can try to guess the book that goes with each couple. The QR code under each heart reveals the book.  

Then we totally stole an idea from Pinterest to create a Valentine's Day book display....

This was a big hit with both teachers and students.  Everyone who walked by the shelves laughed.  Then a few stayed to look at the books on display to see what we were recommending.  The plan worked!

After having fun with Valentine's Day, it was time to switch gears and prepare for the Junior invasion.  I have to admit, the Junior research is fun.  The students research people, places, and events from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s.  As a person born in the 70s, and raised in the 80s, this research is near and dear to my heart.  So we decorate the library and dress as hippies and help our Juniors get into the spirit of their research.  In the past couple of years, we have even convinced the teachers to dress up.  We all love being hippies!  

Let's talk National Mustache Day!  Who knew this would be so popular?  Last year we noticed that a few of our regulars in the library had fake and temporary tattoo mustaches one day.  So we asked.  Come to find out, there is an actual National Mustache Day.  This year we jumped on the band wagon and purchased fake mustaches to give to our patrons.  We told the students all week that we would give out mustaches that Friday if they checked out a book.

Blanca even created a book display to help advertise...thanks again Pinterest!  

She had way too much fun putting all those fake mustaches on the books.  My favorite was the dragon from Inheritance!  It was funny how many of these books were actually checked out the week we were promoting the mustaches.  LOL!

That Friday, Feb. 22nd, was crazy busy.  We had students coming in before school started, during lunch, during classes with a pass, and then a few classes convinced their teachers to take a mini field trip to the library.  We bought 400 mustaches, and we passed out the last one during our after school crowd.  Our library check out stats tripled that day.  I'd say National Mustache Day was a great success for our library.

The next installment of the Beta Librarian...Open House and March Madness.  See you next time!