Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Quiz Fun with Book Riot


This year I have started many a book club meeting with a Book Riot quiz.  Most of the quizzes are answer-these-questions-and-get-book-recommendation quiz.  The book club students were having so much fun with the quizzes that I brought them out into the general population. Now I make signs in Canva, and I post them around the library - in the shelves, at the book check out, etc.  And, of course, I take them into my book club meetings.

If you have not done a Book Riot quiz before, here is a direct link to their quiz website: https://bookriot.com/category/quizzes/  You will need to scroll down a bit to find the quiz link, but it's worth it.

A word of caution . . . please go through the quiz yourself before promoting it.  I saw a really good one about Netflix movies.  The quiz was going to make a book recommendation based on the type of Netflix movies and shows you choose.  There was one question that asked how you like to "chill" when watching Netflix.  One of the choices showed alcohol.  Great for an adult, but not for a high school student. So be careful and make sure you preview everything.  Plus the students always ask me about my answers.  It only makes sense that I would take the quiz.  Differing answers make for a great discussion.

Here are some of the quizzes I chose this year . . . all "high school friendly."  I have added the link to the quiz and a template to my Canva poster in case you want to use what I have already created.

October Book Quiz

October Canva Template

November Book Quiz

November Canva Template

December Book Quiz

December Canva Template

January Book Quiz

January Canva Template

I'm still trying to decide which quiz to pick for April and May, but I am sure the Book Riot website will have plenty of options.  They have not disappointed me yet.  (and No, I do not get paid for my endorsement of this website.  I doubt the people at Book Riot even know I exist.  I just really love their quizzes)

Have a great day!