Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Proposal Accepted!



Our proposal for both TCEA 2024 & TxLA 2024 was accepted.  Pam & I found out about TCEA late last month, and TxLA just sent us the acceptance last week.  Here is our proposal summary:

Creative PD to ACE your Library Evaluation

Providing professional development to our campus community is part of our library standards. What happens if you are denied the "face-to-face time" by your administrator? When traditional avenues to reach your audience do not work, it’s time to let those creative juices flow. Learn some innovative ways to reach your audiences, document your endeavors, and strengthen your end-of-year evaluation. Example ideas and templates are included!

This presentation will be similar to the one I organized for the Virtual TCEA Library Conference back at the end of June.  As I sent in the June proposal, I anticipated that questions might be about the activities as much as the organization.  That was definitely correct. When I presented in June, a lot of the follow up questions were more about the actual activities and PD I did, and not just about the organization.  I then felt validated in creating the proposal for this year -  a presentation that not only walks the audience through the organization process, but also highlights the actual activities we do.  We use both active and passive programs to make sure we are covering all the library standards to document for our evaluations.

Now that Pam is our library coordinator (Yay! Congratulations!), she no longer has her own library.  So we are planning to adjust the presentation to show her end of the job, supporting us, and my end of the job, being a high school librarian.  It's a different dynamic for us when presenting this year, but I don't anticipate that it will be a problem.  We have similar presenting styles, and we do well together.

Come see us in February 2024 for TCEA, and/or April 2024 for TxLA!