Being in a new place, I did not know what to expect. My last school was twice the size of my current one. So I did know that the statistics were going to be a tad bit smaller. To be honest, the numbers did not "Wow" me overall, but it's always good to have a starting point so I know where to focus my energy.
Here we go... my mediocre data. I created two versions of the library usage report. As I described it in my email, the Library at a Glance is for the visual learners, and the Detailed Report is for those who want to see it all.
I sent the reports out to my school first, and then I shared them with the other high school librarians. Many were impressed with the organization of the data, and the administrator in charge of the librarians wants me to do a brief presentation at the next library meeting. She wants me to cover the information from my report. So much for staying under the radar here in Mansfield! Of course I do not mind talking about data or my library. Both are very important to me. I truly believe that we are our own advocates. It is good to remind administrators and teachers (and anyone who will listen) what we actually do. Many of the teachers on my campus indicated they had not seen a library usage report before mine. My principal was so impressed he forwarded the reports to his "bosses" and my "boss" which is how I made the agenda for the November meeting.
What we do should not be a mystery to anyone especially when you believe in what you do.
Every day is an adventure!