Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Spooktober Fun in the Library

It seems so hard to believe that October is in full swing.  Our weather is finally starting to reflect the fall temperatures one would expect.  Last week we were steadily at 92*F until Thursday when we went from 92 to 42.  Now we are somewhere in between. Today's high is 81*F.  So Yay!  It's Fall.

The library has a few things going on during the month of October.  Our "Bathroom Book Talks" are back up for another year of "Potty PD."  This month we featured Graphic Novels.

We are also running a "Spooktober Bingo" reading challenge . . . that I totally stole from a generous librarian who posted her resources on the Future Ready Librarians FB page. Thank you!

We just had our second meeting of the 40 Book Pledge.  So far we have members who have finished 15 books and some who are still finishing up their first book.  No matter where the students are on the journey, they are welcome to come each month and talk books.  Today was a good day.  I book talked a few of my favorites, and the students talked about their current reads.  We also made name tags, which we should have done the first time . . . but oh well!

In talking about fun October activities, we can't forget the LEGO club.  It is going strong this year.  I moved it from after school to all 3 lunches, and I am having a bigger turn out this year.  This club meets 2 times a month.  The club had so much fun on October 8, they came back for an encore on October 9th.  Who am I to say no to an enthusiastic club?

The first day, we had LEGO tic-tac-toe.  Build 3 in a row and win.  The second day, the students came up with their own timed challenges.  Loved that!

This week, I am heading to the English Hallway with my Pop Up library to try and get some of those overdue books.  Later this month, we are going to give out Halloween treats for checking out/renewing/returning books.

In the midst of this activity, we still are seeing classes, checking out books and helping individual students who come to the library looking for assistance.  Did I mention that we also had Year Book pictures in here earlier this month?  Another BIG THANK YOU to my library clerks, Ms. Truong and Ms. Walters.  Without them, none of this would be possible.  They are truly "Wonder Women."

 And . . . just in case you were wondering, here are our usage statistics for the first 6 weeks of school.

Have a fabulous day!