Just as one teaches you how to use the calculator, the other teaches you how to use the Internet. In addition, when I hear this line of talk (and believe me, I hear it a lot), I also get a little sad. It means that person never had a real librarian in their life, and I think we are pretty fantastic.
OK, I am digressing just a bit. My original thought was to declare that being a librarian in the best of times is not easy. So amid the COVID-19 crisis, it is even harder especially when the situation catches you unaware. Who knew when we left for Spring Break we would not enter the building for the rest of the school year? Who knew we were going to teach completely online when not all of our students (or teachers for that matter) had devices or WIFI? Who knew how much we were going to miss our students & how depressed we were going to be when the Governor of Texas declared that school would continue online, but not in our building?
In saying this, I do realize that there are people out there who are struggling WAY more than I am. I have a job that I can safely do from home. I am still collecting a paycheck, and I know what my next meal will be (leftover chicken with macaroni and cheese). That knowledge makes this situation even harder to process. We are in the 21st century, and you are telling me that we have to shelter in place as the people did in 1918 during the Spanish Flu!?! You would have thought that modern medicine would have come a bit farther in 100 years.
Back to the library . . . I guess I am doing some of the same things I did when I was in our physical space. I go to teacher PLC meetings to listen while thinking about what resources we have to support their, now online, curriculum. I also make myself available for our students in case they have any questions. I guess that is where my struggle lies. The part of my job I miss the most is the daily contact I had with our students helping them with their technology or reading needs. I also loved having activities in the library. My challenge became how to do all of that online.
After listening to other librarians in our region talk about what they were doing, I was able to picture what I wanted. So I started doing virtual library activities each week. I mean, why not, I do have some time on my hands between PLCs. Also, I find that part fun. I have always enjoyed planning fun activities in the library. So here is what April looks like.
Then I created multiple ways students can find me. I use the library's social media accounts to get this out to the students. I also have this same information on my library website.
After listening to other librarians in our region talk about what they were doing, I was able to picture what I wanted. So I started doing virtual library activities each week. I mean, why not, I do have some time on my hands between PLCs. Also, I find that part fun. I have always enjoyed planning fun activities in the library. So here is what April looks like.
Then I created multiple ways students can find me. I use the library's social media accounts to get this out to the students. I also have this same information on my library website.
I am slowly hearing from some of the "library regulars" which makes me happy. Hopefully I will hear or see more students in the future.
Just for a bit of fun during National Library Week, here is the Mansfield ISD high school librarians debut video . . . Currently Reading.
Just for a bit of fun during National Library Week, here is the Mansfield ISD high school librarians debut video . . . Currently Reading.
Technically, I showed Pride and Prejudice which I am not currently reading. However, I am reading Northhanger Abbey, but it's on my kindle and not a good visual. So I picked another Jane Austen novel for the purposes of this video. LOL!
Thanks for stopping by. Be safe out there!