As I tried to pull together some data about the library during our stay-at-home learning, I quickly realized that some of the regular statistics I gathered would not work. No one physically came to the library; no one checked out physical books; no one used the library or a lab for classes.
So I had to think about what I could track, and then what would be good information to share. During the time I was putting together this report, I tried to think like a teacher or administrator. What information would paint an accurate picture of what I have been doing for 10 weeks.
Here is what I decided to share . . .
- How Mrs. Tahaney Spent Her Time
- How the Library Connected with Teachers and Students
- eBook Circulations
- Virtual Programs
If you click on each of the links, it takes you to a Google Doc, the same Google Doc that is attached to the pictures on the wall of my Bitmoji scene above.
I think it is all pretty self explanatory. I sent this to my staff via email, and then I also added it to my FB and Twitter accounts.
I am pretty proud of what I accomplished, but I would really like to go back to campus next year . . . if it is safe to do so.
Have a Great Summer! Keep Reading.