Last year was my first year to organize a book club around Donalyn Miller's 40 Book Challenge. To read all about my adventures last year, see previous blog posts "40 Book Pledge," "Half Way through the 40 Book Pledge, " and "End of the 40 Book Pledge."
Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic we are experiencing, I decided to take the 40 Book Pledge virtual. The meetings are asynchronous. I decided that many of their actual classes were using the synchronous format already. So in lieu of face-to-face meetings or video chats, I am posting a discussion once or twice a month on our district chosen platform, Microsoft TEAMs. I created a 40 Book Pledge class, and invited students and faculty to join using a TEAMs code. I am planning to post on a Tuesday, and the participants have the rest of that week to respond. They can participate by responding to my post or by making comments on someone else's posts. I arranged it this way on purpose because I want the virtual club to be low-key and not stressful. Plus I want it to be a comfortable space where books can be discussed on their time.
I worked on the transformation of this club from in-person to virtual this past summer. Here is what I created . . . Bitmoji style. (Just a side note on the whole Bitmoji craze. I find that the Bitmoji rooms are my happy place. This is a way for me to unwind and do something creative while I am processing whatever needs to be processed, which - let's face it - was a lot these past 6 months. I'm pretty sure I don't even care if the students like the Bitmoji thing because I do. Sometimes you have to do a little something just for you. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 😁)
Back to the topic at hand . . . here is my 40 Book Pledge Bitmoji which has ALL of the information my patrons need to join and participate.