Monday, April 5, 2021

Review: Leadership Hero Code


In Leadership Hero Code, author Kristen Hemingway asserts that leaders need to evaluate their personal leadership health and the health of their team in order to be more effective. This process is obtainable by using the 7 principles mapped out in this book.  The 3 principles of personal leadership health are Your Energy Bank, Sense of Purpose and Attention to Self-Care.  The 4 principles of team leadership health are Collective Energy, Psychological Safety, Authentic Exchanges, and Vital Conversations.  Each chapter introduces the theory behind the principle as well as practical applications the readers need to execute said principle.  There are many opportunities to reflect and even write down one’s experiences within the pages of this book.  Therefore, it can be utilized as an interactive tool which only enhances the learning experience.


For the seasoned workers, these principles seem simple enough; one should take care of his/her/their personal needs and then go on to create relationships with his/her/their team. What Hemingway does with this book is give the readers a road map.  Leadership Hero Code is the “how” that goes with the “why.”  Most readers understand the theory of work-life balance, but few are able to obtain it (or else books such as this one would not be necessary).  This book is the scaffolding so many people need in order to achieve true effective leadership.  As we begin to climb out of this pandemic and back into normalcy, this might be the perfect opportunity to reevaluate those skills and decide what is needed as new skills meld with the ones society deemed necessary before the COVID-19 lock down.


Kristen Hemingway’s Leadership Hero Code is deceptively simple.  The road map of effective leadership is outlined using layman’s terms, but the hard work of becoming that effective leader rests on the shoulders of the readers.  This blueprint with its 7 principles is easy to understand, easy to use, and applies to anyone who finds him/her/themselves in a leadership role.  This book is recommended for all people who are questioning their capability and efficiency as a manager, officer, boss, principal, or any other term meant to describe a leader.  This book will give the readers the tools they need to reevaluate their skills and practice a few new ones.