I realize this is only telling part of our story, but I am pretty proud of those numbers. We have been working hard to bring all of our students into the library. I think these numbers show we are doing just that. In addition, students are using our databases and checking out books. Our class visits have gone down, but that is to be expected. The first 6 weeks usually includes me seeing all of our ELAR classes for either a library introduction or a library review. So I am okay with that number trending down . . . for the moment.
Now here is what the numbers don't say. In looking back at what we did last semester, our most successful programs include . . .
I talked about all of these in the November 2022 post. At the time, I was speculating these programs were the reason our numbers were increasing. After analyzing the whole semester, now I am sure these programs helped increase our foot traffic. When students come in to participate in programs, they also end up checking out books . . . eventually. I try to create fun activities in the library to build those relationships. When those relationships pay off and students come to me to talk about books, I know I've got them hook-line-and-sinker. I just love that!
If you need more details about our 1st semester, here is a recap of our Six Weeks Usage Reports.