It's the little things that sometimes keeps you going. Today's post is about a fun display I recently created.
I inherited a bulletin board in the English hallway at my school. I change it out about every other month. This time I made those tear away flyers in Canva; you know the flyers with information at the bottom that a person can rip off and save. Each flyer is a different genre, and the info at the bottom are books from that genre. Then I cut the bottom of the flyers apart for easy tearing. Here are a few pictures of what that looks like in the hallway.
I'm not sure what I am going to do if students actually rip them all off. I guess I need to be prepared with alternative flyers. Someone in an FB group said the tear away can then be their bookmark as they read the book. I hadn't thought of that, but she is right. I love it when logistics work out like that.
If you want to do something similar, I am giving you the Canva templates. One template for the main title, and one of the flyers for you to use/edit to reflect your collection.