Yesterday Pam and I went to Region 11 for an encore presentation of "Top Ten Tools to Make Your Library Pop!" Our audience was not as big as our other presentations, but we were happy to talk about our libraries to any audience. big or small. I really liked the fact that the Region 11 librarians organized this one day conference for those who were unable to attend either TCEA or TxLA. In addition to hearing some great presentations, everyone who attended was given PD hours too.
This was the third go around for Pam & I on this particular topic, 4th really if you count a district library meeting. Pam and I really present well together. We can bounce off one another. That's not as common as you would think when 2 or more people present. It's nice when you find that person, or those people, when presenting. In fact, we have put in another proposal for next year's TCEA and TxLA conferences. We should hear next month if we have been accepted or not. Wish us luck!
But back to the topic at hand, here is our current presentation in case you did not catch my previous blog posts:
Top 10 Tools - TLA 2023 by Jeneene Tahaney