Sunday, August 26, 2012

Staff Development Week

Staff development week is a lot like treading water; I always feel as if I am kicking and paddling as fast as I can, but I'm still not getting anywhere. Since this happens every year, perhaps I need to look at my expectations for that week and year.

The "big rocks," or main topics we wanted to tackle during staff development week this year were to update the various library schedules, look at & redesign our Freshman Orientation class, and update & share our library policies.  We did 2 out of 3 because we forgot to factor in the 24 mobile lab carts that needed our attention!  Since we don't see the Freshman until after Labor Day, we shifted that "rock" to next week.

The library policies didn't need too much updating, which was good.  We have policies for the students and for the staff that we post online and print out in brochure form.  On the brochure, we can add the usernames and passwords to our school's databases.  Our biggest issue was how to share our policies with the teachers.  The library has been a part of staff development week until this year.  So we decided to create a short intro "Go Animate" video and email it along with the brochures to the teachers.  We will also have a "Library Open House" in conjunction with the school's open house on Sept. 13th...any excuse to have a party in the library!

Here is our link to the library "commercial."

Unfortunately, our staff library policies (the online version) are still a work in progress.  As soon as we have that up and running, I will post the link.

Here's to a great 2012-13 school year!

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