At Summit HS, our semester ends with the holiday break. So it is important to have a little fun to counterbalance the end of semester stress most of these students feel in December.
Here are a few things we did this year to help . . .
Candy Cane Book Check Out
No code here. The title says it all. Check out a book and take home a candy cane. It is something so small yet appreciated. It brought more than one smile to the faces of our students, and isn't that why we are here? In addition, there are studies that state peppermint helps relieve stress. So, your're welcome!
12 Days of Christmas Library Scavenger Hunt
This activity was an excuse to give away books. I have a big box of books thanks to a library angel named Amy Toombs who works in our district at one of the middle schools. She has been gracious enough to share her free books with us. Her kids become my kids because her school feeds into mine. So it's like she is still taking care of her babies. Love that!
There seems to be a lot of 12 Days of Christmas themes this year. Our campus staff answered a survey about 12 of our favorite Christmas things, and one of the APs is releasing that information one day at at time. I am also registered with a tech group from Birdville ISD that is doing 12 days of technology during December. So following in those footsteps, I created the 12 Days of Christmas Library Scavenger Hunt.

There was only one task that made the students go to a computer, and all I asked them to do was describe one of the pictures on the SHS library website. All of the other tasks made them move about the library noticing the displays, where the sitting areas and computers were, our window decorations, etc. This was meant to be a non-tech activity to get the students in the library and noticing all the amenities we have. If I had to do it again, I might have asked them to check out a book as one of the tasks. I came in last year trying all these tech type activities with low participation. So I have to meet the students where they are. First get them involved in something fun, and then you can add the bells and whistles later. This is a group not used to being involved in the library, and I am here to change that. . . one fun activity at a time.
Here are just a few of our happy campers who finished the scavenger hunt. They received a book for completing the 12 tasks, and then a bag of popcorn if they completed the bonus question too.

Hot Cocoa for our Student Aides
We always try to do something for our student workers at the end of each semester because most of them are hard workers. This year we set up a Hot Cocoa area in our back break room for the students to enjoy during the last few days with us. We served hot cocoa or coffee (their choice). They could add chocolate chips, caramel bits and marshmallows to their drink. We also had whipped cream, sprinkles, cinnamon and chocolate powder to to sprinkle on top. We also provided candy canes and chocolate covered peppermint sticks for stirrers. In addition, we served iced sugar cookies and mini cupcakes.
It looked something like this . . .
Directions for Cocoa area
Station 1: Personalize your cup
Station 2: Make your Hot Cocoa
Station 3: Fix up your drink
Station 4: Pick up some sweets
Our students were appreciative, and our gesture of thanks made them happy. I'm not sure how we will top this next semester . . . maybe ice cream floats? Stay tuned to find out.
Here is something to make you laugh . . .
The SHS faculty dressed up for the 12 days leading up to our holiday break. So this is me dressed as a Christmas tree. I think this was day 9 of 12. Thanks to Walgreens, I now own a headband that blinks at 3 different speeds for just this occasion. LOL! 'Tis the season.